English physician and toxicologist; born 1871 at Birmingham; died Jan. 21, 1901, at Para, Brazil. He was educated at King Edward's High School, Birmingham, at Caius College, Cambridge, and at St. Thomas' Hospital, London. After taking his medical degree (1897), he studied under Ziegler at Freiburg, under Koch at Berlin, and under Ehrlich at Frankfort. He translated Ehrlich's work on the blood and its diseases, a subject to which he had especially devoted himself, having obtained the Walker scholarship at Cambridge for original pathologic research. In connection with the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine he went to Brazil to study the causes of yellow fever, and in the course of his researches contracted the disease, from which he died, a martyr to science.

  • Jew. Chron. Jan. 25, 1901.
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