Hungarian scholar; lived in the middle of the nineteenth century. He devoted himself to teaching and became the principal of the Jewish school which had been founded at Arad by Aaron Chorin, whom he assisted in arousing in that community a desire for secular knowledge. Skreinka was the author of: "Analytische Elementarlehre der Rabbinisch-Mosaischen Religion, der Biblischen Gesch. und der Sittenlehre" (2d ed., Arad, 1846); "Beiträgezur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Jüdischen Dogmen und des Jüdischen Kultus" (Vienna, 1861). In addition to these works Skreinka contributed various essays to Jewish scientific periodicals, the most important of which were: "Ueber das Gnostische Princip in der Kabbala" (in "Orient, Lit." 1846, pp. 312 et seq.); "Versuch einer Erläuterung Mehrerer Dunkeler Stellen im Buche Daniel, mit Besonderer Beziehung auf das 11. Kap." (in "Monatsschrift," 1855, pp. 454 et seq.).

  • Ben Chananja, vl. 138;
  • Fürst, Bibl. Jud. iii. 344.
S. I. Br.
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