High priest, appointed by Herod of Chalcis. He officiated from about 47 to 59, and was deprived of his office by Agrippa II. (Josephus, "Ant." xx. 5, § 2; 9, § 2). When the governor of Syria, Ummidius Quadratus, was investigating the matter of the tumults occasioned by the struggle between the Judeans and the Samaritans (50-52), he sent (52) Ananias, his son Anan, and other prominent persons to Rome to answer to Emperor Claudius for participating in the troubles, or for having instigated them. Through the influence of Agrippa II. Ananias was acquitted andsent home; and he continued to officiate as high priest ("B. J." ii. 12. § 6; "Ant." xx. 6, § 2). In Acts, xxiii. 2, xxiv. 1, he is mentioned as president of the Sanhedrin, and as representative of the Jews before the procurator, about 58. His removal from office did not rob him of influence; for his wealth was daily increased by gifts and by unscrupulous and violent appropriation on the tithes, or provisions destined for the ordinary priests (compare Bab. Pes. 57a; "Ant." xx. 9, §§ 2, 3, 4). His relations to the procurator Albinus drew upon him the hatred of the Sicarii; and at the outbreak of the great revolt, when he sided with the party of the king, the revolutionists not only burnt his palace but killed him and his brother ("B. J." ii. 17, §§ 6, 9).

A. Bü.
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