German ophthalmologist; born May 2, 1833, at Friedland, Mecklenburg-Strelitz; died at Rostock Sept. 12, 1897. He received his education at the gymnasium of his native town and at the universities of Göttingen, Würzburg, Berlin, and Erlangen, and was graduated from the last-mentioned as doctor of medicine in 1858. For the following three years he was assistant to Pagenstecher at Wiesbaden, and in 1861 established himself as a specialist in ophthalmology in Stuttgart, opening a private hospital there.
In 1870 he became privat-docent in physiological optics at the technical high school at Stuttgart, and in 1875 was appointed professor of comparative ophthalmology at the veterinary college in that city. In 1889 he became professor of ophthalmology at the university at Rostock, as successor to Von Zehender; and under his supervision the new ophthalmological hospital was built and opened in 1897.
Berlin was the first to treat ophthalmology systematically in a comparative way. Among his numerous works may be mentioned: "Ueber den Gangder in den Glaskörperraum Eingedrungenen Fremdkörper," in "Archiv für Ophthalmologie," vol. xiii.; "Ueber Sehnervendurchschneidung," in "Mittheilungsblatt für Augenheilkunde," vol. ix.; "Krankheiten der Orbita," in Graefe-Sämisch, "Handbuch der Augenheilkunde" (1880); and jointly with Rembold, "Untersuchungen über den Einfluss des Schreibens auf Auge und Körperhaltung der Schulkinder," Stuttgart, 1883.
In 1882, together with Eversbusch, he founded the "Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Augenheilkunde," in which he published many interesting articles; e.g., on the eye of the horse, about glaucoma, etc.
- Pagel, Biographisches Lexikon, s.v., Vienna, 1901;
- Meyer, Konversations-Lexikon, s.v.;
- Brockhaus, Konversations-Lexikon, s.v.