Moorish martyr; beheaded at Fez 1834. On account of domestic troubles she fled from her home to some Mohammedan friends. Two women among these testified that she had agreed to resign herself to the Mohammedan faith. She refused to do this and was cast into prison, whence on appeal she came before the sultan. He was so struck with her beauty that he offered her a place in his harem if she would abjure. This she refused to do, and she was beheaded outside Fez. Her beauty and resolution attracted attention to her fate, which was made the subject of a drama, "La Heroina Hebrea," by Antonio Calle (1852).

  • E. M. Romero, El Martirio de la Joven Hachuel, Gibraltar, 1839;
  • Meakin, The Moors, p. 488, London, 1902.
S. J.
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