KATSCHER, BERTHA (pseudonyms: Ludwig Ungar; Albert Kellner; Ludwig Kölle; Ludmilla Kölle):

Hungarian writer; born at Treutschin, Hungary, June 12, 1860. She was educated by her aunt, by whom she was taken to Herzegovina, where in 1881 she was married to her cousin Leopold Katscher, the novelist. Up to this time her mind and time had been occupied mostly with household affairs, but at the wish of her husband she embarked on what proved to be a successful literary career. Her first attempts were fairy-tales for children, but she soon turned her efforts to the advocacy of universal peace and various economic reforms. She wrote also against cruelty to animals. She has contributed articles on a great variety of subjects to the "Frankfurter Zeitung," the "Wiener Mode," "Die Heimat," "Münchener Allgemeine Zeitung," "Kölnische Zeitung," "Prochaska's Monatsbände," etc. Her first work in book form was "Die Kunst ein Mensch zu Sein," written in 1887 with John Hardy. Her other works are: "Weinachtsgeschichte" (1890); "Aus Bädern und Sommerfrischen" (1890); "Hermann Vámbérys Leben und Reiscabenteuer" (1892); "Soldatenkinder," a romance of universal peace (1897); "Die Studentin" (1900); and "Der Stychoos" (1901). She has also translated novels by Hardy, Donnelly, Boyesen, Meadows, Stevenson, and Buckley.

  • Lexicon Deutscher Frauen der Feder, i. 411-412.
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