—Biblical Data:

One of the first captives deported by Nebuchadnezzar to Babylonia. As a false prophet he incurred the displeasure of Jeremiah, who wrote to the exiles denouncing him. He was to be "roasted in the fire" (Jer. xxix. 21, 22) by Nebuchadnezzar, perhaps for inciting the people to revolt.

J. F. McC.—In Rabbinical Literature:

According to rabbinical tradition (Sanh. 93a; Tan., Lev. ed. Buber, p. 7; PirḲe R. El. xxxiii.; PesiḲ. 25), the false prophet who together with Zedekiah, son of Maaseyah, wanted to lure Semiramis, the wife (or the daughter) of King Nebuchadnezzar, to sin under the pretext that she would become the mother of great kings and prophets hostile to Israel. Consequently Ahab and Zedekiah were cast by the king into the furnace and "roasted alive." See Brüll's "Jahrb." iii. 9, s.v. "Susanna."

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