OMRI – 1. The first king of the fourth dynasty of the Northern Kingdom of Israel (I Kings xvi. 16-28). He is first mentioned as captain of the host of Elah which was besieging Gibbethon, one of the cities of the Philistines. At the...
OMSK – See Siberia.
ON – See Heliopolis.
ONA'AH – Term applied to the sale of an article at so much more, or to the purchase of an article at so much less, than its market value that fraud or the taking of an undue advantage is presumed. Were not ona'ah thus construed in the...
ONAN – A son of Judah; he refused to enter into a levirate marriage with his sister-in-law after the death of his elder brother Er, and it was for this reason that the Lord "slew him also" (Gen. xxxviii. 7-10).E. G. H. S. O....
ONDERWIJZER, ABRAHAM SAMSON – Dutch rabbi; born at Muiden (near Amsterdam) July 24, 1863; studied at the theological seminary and the University of Amsterdam (B.A. 1884). He was appointed rabbi of the congregation at Amsterdam on July 5, 1888. Onderwijzer...
ONIAS – Name of several high priests at the time of the Second Temple. The sequence given them below is based on the statements of Josephus, which are unreliable, since Josephus did not have access to trustworthy sources.Onias I.: Son...
ONIAS (ḤONI) HA-ME'AGGEL – Teacher and miracle-worker; lived in the first century B.C. Tradition declares him to have been a descendant of Moses (Tan., Wayera, ed. Buber, p. 22). He was an Essene, stood in high repute, and was respected on account of his...
ONḲELOS – Tanna of the end of the first century C.E. Although the proselyte Onḳelos is frequently confounded with the proselyte Aquila in the Talmud and the Tosefta, even the designation of the official targum to the Pentateuch as "Targum...
ONKENEIRA, ISAAC BEN SAMUEL – Turkish Talmudist, poet, and polemical writer; flourished at Constantinople about the middle of the sixteenth century. He was a friend of Don Joseph Nasi, Duke of Naxos, and is supposed to have transcribed and prefaced, under...
ONYCHA – See Incense; Spices.
OPATOW, SAMUEL B. ELEAZAR – Rabbi of Prossnitz, Moravia, in the sixteenth century; born in Bohemia. He was the author of "Ḥiddushe " (Prossnitz, 1602 or 1618), novellæ and responsa on the marriage laws of the treatises Ketubot and Ḳiddushin of the...
OPET, OTTO – German legist; born in Berlin April 1, 1866. He was formerly privat-docent in Bern, Switzerland, and at present (1904) is judge and instructor in law at the University of Kiel. He has published the following works: "Die...
OPFERPFENNIG, GOLDENER – Personal tax, for the benefit of the emperor, imposed upon the German Jews by Ludwig the Bavarian in 1342. The general principle governing the treatment of the Jews in Germany from the earliest times was that they were crown...