German surgeon; born at Darmstadt May 30, 1824; died at Heidelberg Aug. 28, 1876. He studied at Heidelberg and Giessen (M.D. 1848). From 1848 to 1861 he was a surgeon of the Hessian army, residing at Darmstadt, where he practised among the poor. During a postgraduate course in Paris in 1851-52 he became acquainted with Jobert, whose method of operation in cases of fistula of the bladder was improved upon by Simon. The latter was very successful also in resection of the hip-bone and extirpation of the kidneys.

In 1861 Simon became assistant professor, and six months later professor, of surgery at the University of Rostock. During the war between Austria and Prussia in 1866 he was chief of a military hospital in Berlin. In 1867 he became professor of surgery in the University of Heidelberg, where he remained until his death. During the Franco-Prussian war he served as surgeon-general of the reserves of Baden.

Of his many works the following may be mentioned: "Ueber die Heilung der Blasenscheidenfisteln" (Giessen, 1854); "Ueber die Operation der Blasenscheidenfisteln Durch die Blutige Nath und Bemerkungen über die Heilung der Fisteln, Spalten und Defecte Welche an Andern Körpertheilen Vorkommen" (Rostock, 1862); "Chirurgie der Nieren" (2 vols., Stuttgart, 1871 and 1876). Simon contributed many essays to the medical journals, especially on his methods of operation.

  • Hirsch, Biog. Lex.;
  • Pagel, Biog. Lex.
S. F. T. H.
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