German physician; born at Jastrow, city in Westpreussen, Prussia, Aug. 21, 1847. He was educated at the gymnasium at Deutsch-Krone and at the University of Berlin, where he received the degree of doctor of medicine in 1870. He was an assistant surgeon in the FrancoPrussian war (1870-71), and, on returning to Berlin, engaged in practise in that city. In 1896 he received the title of "Sanitätsrath."

Apolant has contributed numerous papers to Virchow's "Archiv für Pathologische Anatomie und Physiologie und für Klinische Medizin" ("Ueber das Verhältniss der Weissen und Roten Blutkörperchen bei Eiterungen," etc.); the "Berliner Klinische Wochenschrift" ("Ueber Applikation von Karbolsäureumschläge bei Pocken," etc.), and other medical journals.

  • Wrede, Das Geistige Berlin, iii. 3, Berlin, 1898.
S. F. T. H.
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