Austrian chemist; born at Döbling July 12, 1852; died in Vienna Feb. 6, 1896. He was educated at the Polytechnic (HighSchool) of Vienna, where in 1872 he was appointed an assistant lecturer of technical chemistry. In 1876 he was nominated to a similar post in connection with the studies in analytical chemistry, and in 1890 was appointed full professor. His principal work is "Die Künstlichen Farbstoffe," 1883. Among his articles in technical journals are: "Ueber Salze und Borsäure," in "Vortrag. Gegeben in der Deutschen Chemischen Gesellschaft," Berlin, 1874; and "Halogenderivate" in "Sitzung-Bericht der Kais. Akademie der Wissenschaften," Vienna, 1884.

  • Poggendorf, Biog.-Lit. Handwörterbuch, 1898, iii. 107.
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