French painter; born at Hamburg in 1826; died Nov. 19, 1889, at Paris, where he had been naturalized ten years previously. His work is characterized by lively coloring and accentuation of expression. He exhibited at the annual salons from 1853 onward. Of his works may be cited: "Une Réception chez Rubens"; "Luca Signorelli"; "Le Fils du Titien et Béatrice Donato"; "La Tasse à, Ferrare"; "Le Mont de Piété" (now in the Luxembourg); "Au Bord de la Tamise"; "Beau Temps"; "Rêverie"; "Epreuve de Musique de Palestrina"; "L'Autodafé"; "Aux Bords de la Seine." Heilbuth excelled as a portrait-painter. He was made chevalier of the Legion of Honor in 1861; officer in 1881.

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