German physician; born at Stargard, Pomerania, May 8, 1863. He graduated as doctor of medicine from the University of Berlin in 1887 and established himself at the German capital the following year. In 1890 he became assistant in orthopedic surgery at the university dispensary, where in 1898 he was appointed privat-docent in the medical faculty. In 1897 he received the Pourat prize of the French Institute for his essay "Etude des Changements Morphologiques et Fonctionels qu'on Peut Produire Expérimentalement sur l'Appareil Locomoteur."

Joachimsthal has contributed several essays to the medical journals, and since 1897 has been collaborator with J. Wolff in the orthopedic section of Virchow's "Jahresbericht über die Leistungen undFortschritte in der Gesammten Medizin." He is the author of "Die Angeborenen Verbildungen der Oberen Extremitäten," Hamburg, 1900.

  • Pagel, Biog. Lex. s.v.
S. F. T. H.
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