Hungarian physician and medical writer; born Dec. 20, 1828, at Nagy-Kallo. In 1851 he took his doctor's degree at Budapest, and after practising for two years in the surgical clinic of Professor Schuh at Vienna, he settled as a physician in his native town. In 1865 he became privat-docent for nervous diseases at the University of Budapest, and in the following year was appointed director of the internal clinic and full professor. In 1881 Emperor Francis Joseph conferred upon him the Order of the Iron Crown; in 1884 he was raised to the Hungarian nobility; and in 1891 he became a member of the Hungarian House of Magnates. He was decorated with the cross of the Order of St. Stephen.

Korányi has contributed numerous essays to the medical journal "Orvosi Hetilap." The following works, written by him in German, may also be noted: "Der Milzbrand" (in Nothnagel's "Specielle Pathologie und Therapie"); "Die Rotzkrankheit" (ib.); "Zoonosen" (ib.); "Die Lungenschwindsucht in Ungarn"; "Die Krankheiten der Lunge" (in Eulenburg's "Realencyklopädie der Gesammten Heilkunde"). Korányi has embraced Christianity.

  • Pesti Napló, Oct. 21, 1897;
  • Pallas Lex. x., xviii.
S. L. V.
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