IBN VIVES AL-LORQUI (OF LORCA), JOSEPH BEN JOSHUA – Spanish physician; died before 1408; son of Joshua ibn Vives al-Lorqui. He translated from Arabic into Hebrew various books of the short canon of Avicenna, and added to the translation a commentary which was used by ShemṬob...
IBN VIVES AL-LORQUI (OF LORCA), JOSHUA BEN JOSEPH – Spanish physician; lived about 1400 in Alcañiz. In 1408, at the command of the rich and influential Benveniste ben Solomon b. Labi, he wrote a work in Arabic on the value and effects of various foodstuffs and of simple and...
IBN VIVES AL-LORQUI (OF LORCA), JOSHUA BEN JOSEPH – His Works. Spanish physician, anti-Semitic writer, and propagandist. As a Jew his name was Joshua ha-Lorki (from the name of his birthplace, Lorca, near Murcia), although it is hardly correct to identify him with the author of...
IBN WAḲAR, JOSEPH BEN ABRAHAM – Spanish cabalist and Talmudist; lived at Toledo in the fourteenth century. Moses Narboni, who began his commentary on the "Moreh" at Toledo in 1355, speaks of a discussion he had there with Ibn Waḳar (Commentary on the "Moreh,"...
IBN WAḲAR (WAḲḲAR, HUACAR, HUCAR, V06p553001.jpg), JUDAH BEN ISAAC OF CORDOVA – Tax-collector for, and representative and traveling companion (about 1320) of, the infante Don Juan Manuel; the author of "Conde Lucanor." He was a very pious man, an admirer of R. Jehiel b. Asher of Toledo, and punished...
IBN WAḲAR (HUACAR), SAMUEL – Physician to King Alfonso XI. of Castile; astronomer and astrologer; flourished in the fourteenth century. A favorite of the king, he gained influence in the administration of the finances of the country, and received the...
IBN YAḤYA, DAVID – Grammarian and philisopher; son of the martyr Don Joseph; born at Lisbon 1465; died 1543. He was a pupil of David ben Solomon ibn Yaḥya, a relative, who wrote expressly for him two school-books, entitled respectively "Leshon...
IBN YAḤYA, JOSEPH BEN DAVID – Italian exegete and philosopher; born at Florence 1494; died at Imola 1539. His parents were Spanish exiles who had lived for a time in Florence and had then settled in Imola. His son Gedaliah, author of "Shalshelet...