ROSENTHAL, JOSEPH Russo-Jewish scholar; born at Suwalki, in the government of the same name in Russian Poland, Feb. 14, 1844. He began the study of the Talmud and commentaries at an early age without the aid of a teacher, and at the same time
ROSENTHAL, JULIUS American lawyer; born in Liedolsheim, grand duchy of Baden, Germany, Sept. 17, 1828. He was educated at the lyceum at Rastadt and the universities of Heidelberg and Freiburg. In 1854 he emigrated to the United States and settled
ROSENTHAL, LEON (JUDAH LÖB B. MOSES HA-LEVI) Russian financier, philanthropist, and communal worker; born in Wilna Nov. 16, 1817; died in Locarno, Switzerland, June 19, 1887. His father was a progressive, scholarly merchant whose house was one of the rallying-points of the
ROSENTHAL, MARKUS See Rózsavölgyi (Rosenthal), Markus.
ROSENTHAL, MAX American painter and engraver; born at Turek, near Kalisz, Russian Poland, Nov. 23, 1833. He studied at Berlin under Karl Harnisch, and at Paris under Martin Thurwanger, whom he accompanied to the United States in 1849. Settling
ROSENTHAL, MORITZ Austrian physician; born at Grosswardein, Hungary, 1833; died in Vienna Dec. 30, 1889. Educated at the University of Vienna (M.D. 1858), he became in 1863 privatdocent and in 1875 assistant professor of neurology.Besides about
ROSENTHAL, MORITZ Austrian pianist; born at Lemberg 1862; studied successively under Galath, Mikuli, and Raphael Joseffy. In 1875 the family removed to Vienna, where at the age of fourteen Rosenthal gave his first public concert, the program