FISH AND FISHING The Bible does not mention any particular fish by name. "Dag" and "nun" are the generic terms covering all species, thus designated as exceedingly prolific and always to be found in shoals or in large numbers (comp. blessing of
FISHBERG, MAURICE American physician; anthropologist; born Aug. 16, 1872, at Kamenetz, Podolsk, Russia; educated at the public school of his native town. He emigrated to the United States in 1889, and, arriving in New York, studied medicine at
FIUME Hungarian free city and Adriatic seaport, with a Jewish population in 1901 of about 2,000. That there were Jews at Fiume in the eighteenth century is indicated by the existence there of a Jewish tombstone dated 1746 and a scroll
FIVE SCROLLS See Megillot, the Five.
FIXTURES Things fastened to the ground, directly or indirectly. Doubt may arise with regard to them, whether or not they become in law part of the land. This may be a question between the landlord and the tenant, or between the seller