JUDAIZING HERESY (ZHIDOVSTVU-YUSHCHAYA YERES) A Christian heresy which first made its appearance in Novgorod during the reign of Grand Duke Ivan Vassilyevich III. (second half of the fifteenth century), and from there spread to Pskov and Moscow.From the work of the priest
JUDAS THE ESSENE Saint renowned for his prophetic powers in the time of King Aristobulus (105-104 B.C.). Josephus ("Ant." xiii. 11, § 2; "B. J." i. 3, § 5) relates the following characteristic story concerning him: Judas had foretold that the
JUDAS THE GALILEAN Leader of a popular revolt against the Romans at the time when the first census was taken in Judea, in which revolt he perished and his followers were dispersed (Acts v. 37); born at Gamala in Gaulonitis (Josephus, "Ant." xviii.