LOEWE, LOUIS English Orientalist and theologian; born at Zülz, Prussian Silesia, 1809; died in London 1888. He was educated at the yeshibot of Lissa, Nikolsburg, Presburg, and at the University of Berlin. Stopping at Hamburg on his way to
LOEWE, LUDWIG German manufacturer, philanthropist, and member of the Reichstag; born at Heiligenstadt Nov. 27, 1837; died at Berlin Sept. 11, 1886. The son of a poor teacher, he attended the gymnasium in his native city, and then went to
LOEWENTHAL, EDUARD German writer and editor; born March 12, 1836, at Ernsbach, Württemberg; educated at the high school at Stuttgart and at the University of Tübingen, where he studied jurisprudence and philosophy (Ph. D. 1859). He founded at