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Hebraist; born at Carpentras about 1578; died at Paris in 1650. Early in life he left his native town and went to Aquino, where he became converted to Christianity and changed his name Mordecai or Mardochée to Philippe d'Aquin. In 1610 he went to Paris, and was appointed by Louis XIII. professor of the Hebrew language. He is mentioned among the accusers in the proceedings for "the crime of Judaism," instituted in 1617 against Concini, Marquis d'Ancre, and his wife Leonora Galigai, in whose household he had occupied some subordinate position (Léon Kahn, "Les Juifs à Paris," p. 40). The following is a list of his works: (1) "Primigenæ Voces, seu Radices Breves Linguæ Sanctæ" (Paris, 1620). (2) "Pirḳe Aboth, Sententiæ Rabbinorum, Hebraice cum Latina Versione" (Paris, 1620); a Hebrew-Italian edition, under the title "Sentenze: Parabole di Rabbini. Tradotti da Philippo Daquin," appeared in the same year in Paris (see Steinschneider, "Monatsschrift," lxiii. 417), and was reprinted in Paris in 1629. (3) "Dissertation du Tabernacle et du Camp des Israélites" (Paris, 1623; 2d ed., 1624). (4) "Interpretatio Arboris Cabbalisticæ" (Paris, 1625). (5) "Beḥinat 'Olam. (L'Examen du Monde)" of Yedaiah Bedersi, Hebrew and French (Paris, 1629). (6) "Ma'arik ha-Ma'areket, Dictionarium Hebraicum, Chaldaicum, Talmudico-Rabbinicum" (Paris, 1629). (7) "Ḳina, Lacrimæ in Obitum Cardinalis de Berulli," Hebrew and Latin (Paris, 1629). (8) ", Veterum Rabbinorum in exponendo Pentateucho Modi tredecim" (Paris, 1620).

  • Zunz, Z. G. p. 448; Léon Kahn, as above;
  • Steinschneider, Cat. Bodl. col. 739;
  • idem, Bibliographisches Handbuch, No. 129.
G. S. K.
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