German sculptor; born March 26, 1853, at Oberlahnstein, Prussia; died at Berlin Oct. 2, 1900. At the age of sixteen, after having passed through the gymnasium at Coblenz, he entered upon a mercantile career. A residence of four years in San Francisco, U. S. A., qualified him to establish in Hamburg an exporting and importing business. After the death of his wife (1882) he retired to Berlin, where he devoted himself to scientific and philosophical studies at the university. In 1886 he entered the atelier of the sculptor Kruse; in 1888 he became a pupil at the Berlin Academy of Arts.

Rheinhold's first production as a sculptor, exhibited at the Berlin Art Exhibition of 1895, attracted general attention by its originality. A chimpanzee holds in one hand a human skull, which he contemplates with droll pensiveness. His other hand supports his chin, while with one of his feet he holds a compass. Many copies in bronze of this work were made. But the work which permanently established his reputation as an artist was the figure "Am Wege" (1896), representing an unfortunate young woman with a child at her breast. His next undertaking was the Alfred Nobel monument.

The feeling aroused in his mind by the venomous attacks of anti-Semitism are expressed in his "Die Kämpfer." Among his later productions are the "Schnitterin," and a bust of his mother, of Prof. B. Fränkel, of Ludwig Bamberger, and of Col. M. von Egidy.

Rheinhold was for many years one of the leading spirits of the Deutsch-Israelitischer Gemeindebund, of which he acted as treasurer.

  • Mittheilungen vom Deutsch-Israelitischen Gemeindebunde, No. 54;
  • Wilhelm Förster, Gedächtnissrede;
  • Allg. Zeit. des Jud. lxiv., No. 41 (Supplement).
S. S. Man.
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