Chief of the bureau of the Progressive communities of Hungary, and reporter on Jewish affairs in the Hungarian Ministry of Public Worship; born at Kapolcs, county of Zala, June 24, 1844; studied law at Budapest. He represented the district of Tapolcza at the Jewish Congress of 1868 and was elected its secretary; and at its conclusion he became secretary of the national committee, and three years later was appointed to a similar position in the national bureau. Since then he has been one of the leaders of the Hungarian Jews. As first secretary of the national committee, Simon, until he retired in 1904 owing to ill health, conducted the affairs of that portion of the Hungarian Jewry which was organized according to the statutes of the Jewish Congress of 1868. He has rendered special service in connection with the establishment and administration of the Landesrabbinerschule (of whose board of governors he has been secretary since the institution's foundation in 1877) and various other institutions. In 1883 he organized the defense in the Tisza Eszlár case. Simon has the title of "Königlicher Rath."

S. L. V.
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