English quack; born in 1780; died in London 1818. He flourished in Liverpool and was an original and somewhat eccentric character who became widely known as the inventor and patentee of an empiric preparation called "Balm of Gilead," by the sale of which he amassed a considerable fortune. In 1805 he removed to a large house in Kensington road, where his stately residence, "Gilead House," with its gardens and shrubberies, formed one of the sights of the town. Streets named "Gilead," "Balm," and "Solomon" commemorate his connection with the place. He left two children, a son and a daughter.

  • Watt, Bibliographia Britannica, s.v.;
  • Jew. Chron. Jan. 18, 1901;
  • Liverpool Daily Post, April, 1900.
J. G. L.
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