Communal worker of Melbourne, Australia; born in London 1837; died Oct. 23, 1899. He was thirteen years old when he arrived in Melbourne, and he engaged successively in gold-digging, auctioneering, and the clothing business, and also operated for many years as a financier. Zox was closely associated with almost every charitable movement in Melbourne, and the Jewish community there long regarded him as its leader. He was successively treasurer, president, and trustee of the Hebrew congregation; supported the Jewish Philanthropic Society; was president of the Melbourne branch of the Anglo-Jewish Association; and took a special interest in the Discharged Prisoners' Aid Society. He was, moreover, one of the most popular of Victorian politicians, and was a member of the legislature, entering the Assembly in May, 1877, as a representative of East Melbourne, and retaining his seat for that electorate for twenty-one years. He served also as chairman of the Charities Commission.

  • Jew. Chron. Dec., 1899.
J. G. L.
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