JACQUES PASHA (Jacques Nissim Pasha):

Turkish army surgeon; born in 1850 at Salonica; died there Aug. 25, 1903. The son of a physician, he was sent at an early age to the school of medicine at Constantinople, from which he was graduated in 1874. In the following year he was attached, with the rank of captain, to the hospital Haidar Pasha at Constantinople, and in the same year he accompanied, as adjutant-major, a Turkish detachment to Bosnia and Herzegovina. He later became director of the Central Hospital of Salonica, which position he occupied until his death. He was also appointed medical inspector of the Third Army Corps at Salonica and inspector of public and private hygiene for the vilayet of Salonica. He died from gangrene contracted while dressing the wound of a soldier who had been disabled in a skirmish with the Macedonians. He was decorated with the orders of Nishan-i-Medjidie and Nishan-i-Osmanie, the medal of Iftikhar, and a number of foreign decorations. He was president of the Biḳḳur Ḥolim of Salonica.

  • El Avenir, Salonica, Aug. 26, 1903;
  • Moniteur Oriental, Sept. 1, 1903;
  • Jew. Chron. Sept. 4, 1903.
S. M. Fr.
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